About Me

With my free time, I enjoy hiking and try to get out most weekends when the weather is nice, even if it is to the local forest preserve for a couple hours to enjoy nature. One of my favorite things to do is traveling to new places in search of my next adventure. Lots of times, you can find rare gems of locations in your own backyard if you try! When I’m not able to be out in the world, I have created a mini jungle in my house to bring a little bit of nature inside. I have a passion for growing and tending to many different types of plants. On a lazy day, you can find me watching movies, working on DIY crafts, and relaxing with my beautiful Tuxedo cat Mia and my mischievous baby Maine Coon mix Harley.

I began my design career a long time ago, thinking that I had found my calling in interior design. But, as much as I still love this field, in the end I found that it was not for me. Still, I knew that I wanted design to be a part of my life, but not sure in what form just yet.

I decided to pursue UX Design as a career change after being laid off from my job in 2020. This time, the design part of me was ready to work! As I am either on a laptop or my phone for everything (just like almost everyone), I was always utilizing websites and noticing things like how easy the site is to use, what looks good on the site and what doesn’t, and what I would change to make the site better. I looked into what steps I needed to take to make a career out of making websites that are more accessible for more people, and the first step of my UX journey began!